Changing the Dialogue

When mankind was set in motion by his Creator, there was a dialogue that began, and we have a small glimpse of these conversations recorded in the Genesis Narrative. An adversary inserted itself into the narrative and decided to change the dialogue. Since that time mankind has been in dialogue with this adversary and the knowledge of good and evil. This rebellion has been the source of all mankind's attempts at defining existence and building the kingdom of the adversary with the foundation of the knowledge of good and evil.

In Jesus the dialogue was changed again to that of knowledge of life. There were those who saw this glory of the one and only son, full of grace and truth. Since the rise of the second beast and the first Christian Emperor the dialogue was once again changed, mankind worshipped the beast through the knowledge of good and evil. We have to once again change the dialogue to the image and likeness shown through Jesus the anointed one and once again breath life.